January – Temperatures

Temperature and Humidity sums and Graphs for January 2021

Last update: 31/1/2021, hour: 24:00

Highest Temperature in January:
at 12/1/2021

Lowest Temperature in Januery:
at 22/1/2021

Highest Humidity rate for January:
at 19/1/2021

Lowest humidity Rate for January:
at 9/1/2021

Weekly Sums and Graphs

Temperatures in the 1st week of January

Temperatures in the 1st week of January


Temperatures in the 2nd week of January

Temperatures in the 2nd week of January

Temperatures in the 3rd week of January

Temperatures in the 3rd week of January

Temperatures in the 4th week of January

Temperatures in the 4th week of January

Temperatures in the 5th week of January

Temperatures in the 5th week of January

Temperatures in the 6th week of January

Temperatures in the 6th week of January